There is no fee required to become a partner of The YW.
The requirements are
- You must complete a minimum of three (3) months consecutive attendance of a YW Local Association Committee.
- A copy of our Basis of Faith must be signed to confirm your full understanding and agreement with what we believe. (Basis of Faith forms can be obtained from National Office or any of the affiliated YW Local Association offices.)
You will then receive
- A copy of our monthly ‘Praise & Prayer’ leaflet advising of the needs and opportunities for rejoicing in each of the Local Associations.
- A copy of the bi-annual ‘Y’s News & Views’ publication, which provides testimonies and stories surrounding events within the Local Associations.
- Invitations to the Local Association you are part of, to attend their AGM and/or any other special function that they might hold.
- And also, you would be entitled to a reduced rate on accommodation should you wish to make use of any of the abovementioned YW residences.